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Area ministers pray at the steps of the Logan County Courthouse on the eve of Election Day

LOGAN Monday evening, on the eve of Election Day, area ministers and pastors  gathered on the Logan County Courthouse steps to pray.

What started as a call into What’s Your Opinion one morning from Crooked Creek Church of Christ Pastor, Ralph Perry. He envisioned a prayer on the steps of the local courthouse with area pastors blessing to the county, the state and the nation.

“The purpose of this is to be praying for our community,” Perry said Monday night. “When God is in control, then things are going to go the way he would like for them to go. The way we need them to go.”

Barney Goins, ministering at Marietta Baptist Church, offered the prayer for the county.

“At this time of election,” Goins prayed, “somebody is not going to get what they want, but God give us what we need.”

Goins said the pastors were not on the steps to push a candidate, but they were there for the best for Logan County.

“We need strong leaders. We need people that are going to do what is best for us. Bless us and give us what we stand in need of and you would open our blinded eyes, that we will be able to see, that you have given us exactly that.”

Josh VanHook, pastor at the Word of Life Church, said the ministers collectively dedicate the state to the will and purpose of God.

“We want to invoke God’s blessing on our nation and on our community,” VanHook told WVOW Monday night. “The Bible says, as we pray, turn our hearts toward God and he answers. He is ears are open to the cry of the righteous. We open our heart to him. We turn our hearts to him to be led, guided and directed by him. We can be sure of his blessing that will come upon us, our congregations and the people of the communities."

VanHook's ministry at the Word of Life Church can be heard on WVOW Radio every Sunday at noon.

Pastor Harold McMillen Jr., from the Switzer Church of God, prayed for revival. He prayed for a return to God.

“Back in the eighties, I believe it was,” McMillen prayed, “There was a group of people gathered in Flatwoods, West Virginia, calling upon your name for revival, not just for our state but for our nation. A word of prophicy was spoken. How just as a heart pumps blood throughout the body, how you were going to use this great state of West Virginia to bring revival to the nation. How that your where going raise up men and women that were unashamed of you. That were not ashamed to claim your gospel.”

Caleb McDonald, minister at the Justice Christian church, offered prayer for the nation.

“God, I pray that the church and this nation is able to find unity in the word of God and under the blood of Christ,” Caleb prayed.

He also prayed people can get past the election and able to remember we are all one in Christ.

Bill McDonald, also from the Justice Christian Church, ended the short even with a call to action to all Christians everywhere.

“The important thing is whether people are one to Jesus Christ,” Bill prayed. “And I pray, father, that you will help us. To do like those early Christians did. Who were run out of Jerusalem. And that is take the gospel with us everywhere we go.”


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