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Bill Copley takes place of Rodighiero in Logan commission race

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

The Logan County Democratic Executive Committee nominated Bill Copley Friday, August 19 to run for the Logan County Commission.

The nomination came about following Democrat Ralph Rodighiero’s decision to withdraw from the race on the last day to do so. Rodighiero won the nomination over Copley last May and said divisive politics makes it impossible for a Democrat to win.

“There is so much negativity with politics these days,” Rodighiero said.

The former delegate in Logan County said the negativity has cost him friends. Moreover, Rodighiero said many people support him but won’t vote for him because of his Democratic registration.

Rodighiero withdrew from the race Tuesday, August sixteenth. The last day to be removed from the ballot. Rodighiero doubted county Democrats would appoint anyone to the race once he dropped out.

“The writing is on the wall,” Rodighiero told WVOW News. “Why go into something that’s going to be an uphill battle to even have a chance to win. I chose not to.”

Bill Copley, the Democratic runner up in last May’s Primary, was the logical choice for Democrats to keep a contested election with Republican Billy Jack Dickerson. In the Primary Election, Mr. Dickerson received over 65% of the vote on the Republican ballot over opponent Jeremy Farley.

“I’m excited,” Copley said, “It gives the people of Logan County a choice.”

Copley doesn’t think the election is a lost cause at all. Democratic voters make up near 11,000 of the 22,112 registered Logan County voters, according to the latest data available from the West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office.

“We need to get people out to vote,” Copley said. “Younger people need to seize this opportunity to get some younger ideas and younger blood on the commission.”

A mid-thirties equipment operator at Alpha Metallurgical Resources, Copley says giving the younger generation reasons to stay in Logan County is a priority.

“People my age and younger have no reason to stay here,” Copley said. “People here are hard workers. They do good work. We need to bring in business. I think we must upgrade our technology. Give businesses a reason to come here. Show them that people in Logan County will work.”

Copley filed his election announcement and paid election fees Monday, August 22 to be on the ballot this fall.

Election day is November 8.


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