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LRMC Updates Visitor Policy

Logan Regional Medical Center updated its visitor policy Tuesday, November 9.

- One visitor may accompany Surgery and Endoscopy patients.

- One visitor per patient permitted from noon – 6p.m. for inpatient visitation.

- OB patients can have two support persons.

- Pediatric patients can have two parents/guardians.

- Inpatient Rehab patients may have one visitor noon - 6 p.m.

- ICU/CCU Critical Care Units visiting hours will remain the same, 9 am – noon and

4 p.m. - 6 p.m., two visitors per patient.

- Physician Practice offices patients may be accompanied by one support person.

- Medical Records is now open to the public from 8 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.


- No visitors are allowed for COVID-19 positive or suspected patients unless special privileges

are given.

- Visitors will be screened before being permitted to enter the hospital.

- Visitors will be asked to wear an appropriate mask prior to entry.

- Visitors must not congregate in waiting room areas and must maintain social distancing.

- Visitors are to remain in patient rooms.

- Visitors should wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or apply hand sanitizer

upon entry and departure from patient rooms and the facility.


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