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Mayor and council swear oaths in the City of Logan

Pastor Josh Vanhook administers the oath of office to City Councilwoman Donna Willis Monday, May first . All council members and the mayor were uncontested in the general election on April fourth.

AM Stone | WVOW News

LOGAN The City of Logan conducted a swearing-in ceremony on Monday, May first at City Hall on Dingess Street in Logan

Logan conducted a General Election back on April fourth. The Mayor and all the Council Members were uncontested in the election. According to the City Manager Amber Miller Belcher, serving as the ballot commissioner, voter turn out was low. A total of twelve votes were cast according to the canvas during the April City Council meeting.

Belcher said the town did save money by not opening two precincts and only having one.

"We usually have voting here (city hall) and at east end," Belcher said during April's city council meeting. "By eliminating the east end precinct, we saved the city about $10,000."

Monday Mayor Serafino Nolletti and the entire City Council were unopposed in the general election. The council consists of Brandon Picklesimer, Ken Lee, Jay Mullins, Donna Willis and Keno Muncy. They all will serve an additional four years. Mr. Picklesimer, or BJ as he is known, was unable to attend the swearing-in ceremony. Picklesimer will take the oath Tuesday, May ninth during the monthly city council meeting.

City Manager Amber Miller Belcher said Mayor Nolletti is on his way to being the longest serving mayors in Logan's history. Nolletti was appointed Mayor in 2007. According to Belcher, there’s a reason for Nolletti's longevity at city hall.

"One of the best things about him," Belcher said during the ceremony, "is his ability to see needs in any department. He's always there for all of us. Compassion, beyond compassion. Courage and a sense of responsibility.

The council conducted an organization meeting after the swearing ceremony. Council meetings will continue on the second Tuesday of each month. Meeting times are at four o’clock.

All department heads will continue forward in their posistions

The city is giving away a total of $5,000 to individuals or groups that do the best job cleaning public areas with the city limits. A photo before and after the clean-up of an area is required and so is a minimum of twenty bags. Bags must also be photographed in the after picture and dropped off to city hall on Dingess Street. First place is $2,000

City of Logan, in addition to the clean-up contest, is currently accepting 35 second anti-litter video commercials from junior and senior high school students. The contest is another effort to strive for a cleaner Logan. The top prize is $1,000 scholarship.

For more information call call Logan City Hall at 304-752-4044.



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