MINGO COUNTY For a second day straight, the Mingo County Sheriff’s Office dealt with potential threats in Mingo County Schools.
According to an online statement from the Mingo County Sheriff’s Office, a possible threat was exchanged through text messaging at Burch Pre K-8. Police said the threat was another example of swatting and appeared that it originated in Arizona. Swatting is when a emergency, or in this case a school threat, is falsely reported to illicit a large police response. The message was also similar to one that circulated in Mercer County on Monday. Moreover, all Mingo County schools were placed in precautionary lockdown following a threat on social media Monday.
Schools in Mingo were dismissed an hour early Monday after communication from the Boyd County, Kentucky Sheriff’s Office of an online threat that mention several surrounding counties. Mingo County Sheriff’s Office says “all information we now have, indicated the threats are not credible.”
Burch PreK-8 classes were ultimately canceled Tuesday.
Mingo County Schools promotes the use of the “See Send” application installed on every student laptop, and can be downloaded to any iPhone or Android device. Timeliness is crucial to any investigation of a possible threat. Getting that information to authorities is critical.
According to information on the Mingo County Schools’ website, tips submitted through this app will go to West Virginia's Fusion Center. The mission of the West Virginia Fusion Center is to collect, evaluate, analyze, and disseminate information and intelligence data regarding criminal and terrorist activity in the State of West Virginia while following Fair Information Practices to ensure the rights and privacy of citizens.
Information regarding the “See Send” app is available at the school district’s website.