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Nigerian Man Pleads Guilty To Part In Romance Fraud

A Nigerian citizen pleaded guilty for his part in a scheme to use romance to steal money.

The United States Department of Justice announced 24-year-old Augustine Amechi entered a plea agreement Monday. Amechi resided in Huntington and was a Marshall student during the time he took part in sham romances contrived to rob the victims.

Amechi’s part took place from least 2018 to March 2021. He admitted the scheme involved convincing people to send money for fraudulent reasons all while under the cover of a romantic relationship. Amechi was indicted last April.

Amechi received nearly $400,000 from direct deposits and cash payments by mail. He also admitted to taking money from at least 37 people and forwarded more than $15,000 to bank accounts in Nigeria.

A press release from US Attorney Will Thompson’s Office stated, “Amechi admitted that romance fraud victims were convinced to send money for a variety of false and fraudulent reasons to bank accounts controlled by him in Cabell County.”

Amechi faces up to 10 years in prison and agreed to pay at least $192,762.19 in restitution.


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