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Southern Spring 2022 Dean's List

The following students have been cited for academic achievement for the Spring 2022 semester by achieving the Dean's List at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.

Students must have an academic average of 3.25 or higher and maintain 12 or more credit hours to qualify for the Dean's List.

Logan Campus Dakota Michael Abbott, Logan, WV

Cody Reed Adams, Harts, WV

Emily, Beth, Adams, Harts, WV

Mishala Ann Adams, Lake, WV

Bobbie Ellen Adkins, Man, WV

Haylee Marie Adkins, Harts, WV

Kaelin L. Adkins, Accoville, WV

Kearstin Brook Adkins, Mallory, WV

Tiffany Dawn Adkins, Chapmanville, WV

Olivia Faith Amburgey, Man, WV

Jocelyn Dawn Arthur, Chapmanville, WV

Cassie Asbury Edgarton, WV0

Alex Richard Asebes, Delbarton, WV

Cameron Bailey, Man, WV

Kaitlyn N. Baisden, Ferrellsburg, WV

Seth Millard Baisden, Delbarton, WV

Taryn J. Baisden, Stollings, WV

Emily S. Ball, Logan, WV

Jenna P. Barker, Chapmanville, WV

Christian Edward Bartoe, Williamson, WV

Jarrah Beth Baxter, Chapmanville

Kimberly Leeann Beavers, Gilbert, WV

Chelsea T. Belcher, Chapmanville

Jacob G. Blair, Chapmanville, WV

Kaylee R. Blair, Harts, WV

Caitlin Rieanne Bleigh, Oceana, WV

Isaiah L. Blevins, Morristown, TN

Summer B. Bragg, Amherstdale, WV

Stephanie Nichole Brown, Baisden, WV

Abree Marie Browning, Logan, WV

Trenten C. Browning, Harts, WV

Patrick Wayne Callaway, Logan, WV

Keirsten Campbell, Delbarton, WV

Chandler Michael Carey, Williamson, WV

Connie B. Carter, Branchland, WV

Nicholas P. Carter, Chapmanville, WV

William J. Carter, Peach Creek, WV

Haley Rose Caudill, Whitman, WV

Kayla B. Christian, Burnwell, KY

Erica Rae Cline, Hanover, WV

Sarah Carolyn Colangelo, Wharncliffe, WV

Joseph Michael Colley, Omar, WV

Kalilla Nichole Collins, Mallory, WV

Nathan I. Collins, Harts, WV

Sheena M. Collins, Harts, WV

Summer M. Collins, Logan, WV

Erin Lee Conley Harts, WV

Zoe Izabella Conley Chapmanville, WV

Ashton S. Conn, Logan, WV

Isabella G. Conn, Man, WV

Maddie Elizabeth Cook, Oceana, WV

Morgan Paige Cooper, Man, WV

Kelsey Leigh Copley, Delbarton, WV

Tiffany R. Copley, Cyclone, WV

Zackery Jon Cozmyk, Williamson, WV

Sarah Elizabeth Crosby, Amherstdale, WV

Pamela D. Crum, Kermit, WV

Joseph T. Curry, Yolyn, WV

Talena D. Curry, Chapmanville, WV

Brody Seth Dalton, Chapmanville, WV

Jordan Dalton, Chapmanville, WV

Olivia G. Dalton, Chapmanville, WV

Piper Q. Dalton, Harts, WV

Presley Marie Dameron, Switzer, WV

Madison Faith Daniel, Williamson, WV

David G. Daniels, South Williamson, KY

Blake Davis, Kermit, WV

Chloe Madison Davis, Oceana, WV

Jordan Scott Davis, Kermit, WV

Kaleigh Davis, Chapmanville, WV

Kaitlin Marina Day, Hurricane, WV

Kaden Chase Dickerson, Amherstdale, WV

Cameron Oneil Dodrill, Chapmanville, WV

Timothy K. Doty, Accoville, WV

Ambrionna Paige Dowden, Henlawson, WV

William Monroe Dowdy Jr, Ethel, WV

Johnathan Scott Dwyer, Glen Fork, WV

Jordan Ellis, Bruno, WV

KalLee Joanna Ellis, Chapmanville, WV

Rayland Savannah Ellis, Clear Fork, WV

Tequilla M. Ellis, Ahmerstdale, WV

Jennifer Evonne Evans, Chapmanville, WV

Joshua Lee, Farley Chapmanville, WV

Hayley P. Ferrell, McCarr, KY

Jerry Dale Ferrell, Chapmanville, WV

Amy Marie Fields Verdunville, WV

Andrew B. Fletcher, Naugatuck, WV

Destinee Faith Fouch, Chapmanville, WV

Shealeigh Brooke Frazier, Mallory, WV

Olivia E. Freeman, Chapmanville

Cameran Blake Frye, Man, WV

Corey David Gillispie, Man, WV

Kolton David, Goldie Logan, WV

Madeline Faith Goss - Howell, Danville, WV

Erick R. Grimmett, Man, WV

Michael Joe Grimmett, Man, WV

Herman Chad Hackney, Huddy, KY

Justin Tyler Hall, Delbarton, WV

Karley Alarra Hall, Lenore, WV

Rebecca Lynn Hall, Delbarton, WV

Alex Curtis Hamrick, Chattaroy, WV

Kaeli, Hatfield, Matewan, WV

Elexus L. Havis, Mallory, WV

Kelli Renee Hensley, Mount Gay, WV

Gabrielle N. Hill, Harts, WV

Tabitha Hitchcock, Delbarton, WV

Kennedy Leelyn Hollandsworth, Charleston, WV

Alora D. Hundley, Williamson, WV

Charity H. Hunt, Cyclone, WV

Erin Allene Jiles, Chapmanville, WV

Joshua Michael Jiles, Chapmanville, WV

Sarah Katherine Jiles, Chapmanville

Johnathan Dale Kelly, Man, WV

Peter Kelly Iv, Peach Creek, WV

Erica Paige Kinser, Holden, WV

Devin John Kramer, Chapmanville, WV

Alyssa Nicole Lambert, Wayne, WV

Joshuah Kaleb Lambert, Man, WV

Sheila Lawrence, Mallory, WV

Matthew Kevin, Layne, Gilbert, WV

Kambell Gale Lemmon, Chapmanville, WV

Bridgette Dawn Lesher, Peach Creek, WV

Ashley B. Lester, Oceana, WV

Whitlee Danielle Lester, Hanover, WV

Gabriella Elizabeth Long, Chapmanville, WV

Kelsey P. Lowe, Logan, WV

Alexis A. Lusk, Cylone, WV

Jaeli Rae Mann, Chapmanville, WV

Misty R. Marcum, Dingess, WV

Caleb Shane May, Lenore, WV, Logan Campus

Jessica Maynard, Amherstdale, WV

Jennifer McAllister, Chapmanville, WV

Matthew Ryan McCloud, Chapmanville, WV

Dylan G. McComas, Oceana, WV

Kaili Jade McCoy, Amherstdale, WV

Reagan E. McCoy, Bruno, WV

Stergil A. McCoy, Bruno, WV

Tanner R. McGraw, Pecks Mill, WV

Jacob Andrew McMasters, St Albans, WV

Callie Jo McNeely, Henlawson, WV

Ashlee Rose McRoberts, Chapmanville, WV

Kaycee Jo Meade, Chapmanville, WV

Alera Danielle Messer, Chapmanville, WV

Brandon Ray Miller, Man, WV

Desirae M. Miller, Matewan, WV

Mackenzie Elizabeth Miller, Logan, WV

Cassidy Mitchell Danville, WV

Emily R. Mitchell, Verdunville, WV

Lynnzie D. Mitchell, Bruno, WV

Billy James Mitchem, Switzer, WV

Kelsey Nicole Mounts, Gilbert, WV

Desmond K. Napier, Harts, WV

Haley B. New, Amherstdale, WV

Alyssa Michelle Newsome, Lenore, WV

Kristy Lynn Newsome, Verdunville, WV

Tyler Ray Newsome, Lenore, WV

Emily Brooke Norman, Logan, WV

Keterah F. Norman, Hardy, KY

Holly Danielle Parker, Holden, WV

Cathrine Michelle Perry, Lyburn, WV

Latosha Lynn Perry, Chapmanville, WV

Sarah Ann Perry, Dunlow, WV

Evan David Plumley, Chapmanville, WV

Savannah Lynn Poling, Chapmanville, WV

Logan Chance Preece, Kermit, WV

Sara B. Preston, Chapmanville, WV

Kelsie, D., Price, Chapmanville, WV

Lauren T. Ramey, Logan, WV

Kenley J. Reed, Gilbert, WV

Amy Lee Rhoden, Logan, WV

Amber Richards, Pecks Mill, WV

Jennifer L. Riffle, Danville, WV

James D. Roberts, Davin, WV

Joseph Bryce Robinson, Oceana, WV

Brian Jordan Rose, Lyburn, WV

Kristi Lea Rozas, Oceana, WV

Emily Faith Runyon, Holden, WV

Morgan Rayne Runyon, Chapmanville, WV

Alyssa Jayde Sammons, Justice, WV

Stephanie D. Schultz, Madison, WV

Karen Seabolt, Sumerco, WV

Bethany Selbe, Belle, WV

Kayla L. Sheppard, Dingess, WV

Cheyenne T. Simpkins, Chapmanville, WV

Kelsey Slone, Oil Springs, KY

Emily Nicole Smith, Varney, WV

Samantha Georgia Smith, Oceana, WV

Chelsie Nicole Smoot, Chapmanville, WV

Camryn Aleeah Spaulding, Kermit, WV

Kabrina P. Spaulding, Williamson, WV

Kyle Spaulding, Switzer, WV

James Garrett Spence, Ransom, KY

Devin T. Stacy, Kermit, WV

Timothy Ryan Stacy, Man, WV

Taylor R. Stanley, Davin, WV

Tanner G. Staten, Amherstdale, WV

Megan Rose Sutphin, Lake, WV

Tamara Sue Thacker, Logan, WV

Larry Randell,Thompson, Harts, WV

Sydney Thompson, Lenore, WV

Tyson,Nathaniel Thompson, Charleston, WV

Sydney Brooke Tilley, Slab Fork, WV

Jaxon Craig Tipton, Kistler, WV

Haile Leann Toler, Delbarton, WV

Kaylie E. Tomblin, Chapmanville, WV

Andrew William Toney, Harts, WV

Jacob Matthew Topping, Chapmanville, WV

Shania Hope Topping, Chapmanville, WV

Steven Alexander Toth, Chapmanville, WV

Kaylee Paige Townsend, Sharples, WV

Bella L. Trent, Isaban, WV

Tiffany Z. Turkale, Mallory, WV

Travis S. Turner, Whitman, WV

Kaden A. Underwood, Man, WV

Alia Makaila Vance, Harts, WV

Brayden Lee Vance, Harts, WV

Jaden D.,Vance, Ferrellsburg, WV

Hunter C. Viars, Whitman, WV

Emma Grace Vinson, Delbarton, WV

Allison Mackenzie Walls, Chapmanville, WV

Jasmine Ward, Matewan, WV

Megan Elizabeth Ward, Harts, WV

Krista D. Warrix, Coal Mountain, WV

Christopher Watkins, Logan, WV

Haylee Joe Webb, Chapmanville, WV

Jessica Nichole Webb, Gilbert, WV

Mallory L. Wellman, Wharncliffe, WV

Kiana, White, Dingess, WV

Maggie White, Man, WV

Nathan White, Logan, WV

Holly Faith Wiggins, Chapmanville, WV

Brennan M. Williams, Chapmanville, WV

Christina Michelle Williams, Lenore, WV

Hazel J. Williams, Omar, WV

Mattiso Abigail Williams, Chapmanville, WV

Brayden Lee Williamson, Logan, WV

Addison Shae Willis, Chapmanville, WV

Grace Brielle Workman, Chapmanville, WV

Lauren Dare Workman, Chapmanville, WV

Seth A. Workman, Chapmanville, WV

Allonah Grace York, Verdunville, WV

Kelsi Madison York, Accoville, WV

Markah J. York, Williamson, WV

Hunter, Lee Zickafoose, Chapmanville, WV

Boone/Lincoln Campus

Bailey, Adkins, Danville, WV

Caleb, Levi, Adkins, Harts, WV

Casey, Erin, Adkins, Bloomingrose, WV

Haleigh, Rochelle, Adkins, Hamlin, WV

Jaidyn, D., Adkins, Griffithsville, WV

Noah, Ryan, Adkins, Ranger, WV

Charles, Delano, Baisden, Chapmanville, WV

Joshua, Lee, Belcher, Alum Creek, WV

Kelsi, Dawn, Bell, Hamlin, WV

Shelby, Renae, Browning, Hamlin, WV

Kacie, Ann, Buckner, Foster, WV

Brianna, M., Call, West Hamlin, WV

Morgan, Lindsay, Castle, Danville, WV

Jessica, Nicole, Church, Ranger, WV

Faith, Layne, Cooper, Madison, WV

Sandi, Jo, Evans, Kistler, WV

Amanda, Fraley, Branchland

Cassidy, Jo, Gallagher, Danville, WV

Coy, A., Garretson, Hamlin, WV

Elizabeth, Nicole, Hager, Alkol, WV

Julianna, Rose, Hasen, Alkol, WV

Hannah, Lynn, Holton, Madison, WV

Shantelle, Nikole, Horton, Chesapeake, WV

Jayden, Alexandria, Howell, Lake, WV

Davi, Lynette, Konkol, Racine, WV

Dylan, M., Koockogey, Morrisvale, WV

Isaiah, Shane, Koontz, Hamlin, WV

Wilson, McKinley, Lay, Madison, WV

Savannah, Lee, South Charleston, WV

Robin, Michelle, Lester, Man, WV

Thomas, Patrick, Lucas, Ranger, WV

Maci, Gwen, Lunsford, Salt Rock, WV

Brady, T., McKay, Hamlin, WV

Summer, C., Morris, Nellis, WV

Elizabeth, Haley, Music, Madison, WV

Shelby, Nicole, Napier, Branchland, WV

Alexander, Ervin Kent, Nelson, Ranger, WV

Caleb, John, New, West Hamlin, WV

David, Grant, Older, Foster, WV

Lucas, James, Older, Foster, WV

Mitchell, C., Parsons, South Charleston, WV

Madison, Faith, Pauley, Yawkey, WV

Makayla, Grace, Pauley, Alum Creek, WV

Korey, Adam, Pritt, Branchland, WV

Kortni, Ratliff, Alum Creek, WV

Cheyanne, A., Reed, Big Creek, WV

Koree, Raeann, Roberts, Alum Creek, WV

Natalie, Suzanne, Roe, Hewett, WV

Caleb, Gregory, Rusk, Hamlin, WV

Jenny, Edith, Sansom, Madison, WV

Kara, J., Scarbrough, Nitro, WV

Alia, , Schultz, Madison, WV

Emily, Danielle, Scott, Foster, WV

Alayah, Michelle, Sizemore, Branchland, WV

Brayden, Cole, Starcher, Salt Rock, WV

Tara, Tooley, Culloden, WV

Kara, Rena, Vannatter, Madison, WV

Maggi, Dimple Ann, Viars, Seth, WV

Landon, Douglas, Wiley, Branchland, WV

Austin, Chance, Williams, Foster, WV

Kayla, Raeann, Williams, Culloden, WV

Natalie, Grace, Williams, Alum Creek, WV

Amanda, Jo, Wood, Danville, WV

Hayley, N., Woodall, West Hamlin, WV

Gabrielle, Woodrum, Saint Albans, WV

Cally, Nichole, Workman, Madison, WV

Williamson Campus

Jodi, Madison, Akers, Williamson, WV

Douglas, Asbury, Crum, WV

Angel, Denise, Baisden, Varney, WV

Dakota, Chase, Blair, Canada, KY

MacKenize, Leighann, Booth, Hardy, KY

Alexa, J., Bragg, Kermit, WV

Khristina, Y., Brewer, Crum, WV

Caleb, Aaron, Burgess, Madison, WV

Jules, Kathleen, Burgess, Lyburn, WV

Makayla, Skye, Canterbury, Lenore, WV

Alexandria, Denise, Centers, Williamson, WV

Jessica, Adair, Chapman, Williamson, WV

Kimerly, Charlene, Christian, Burnwell, KY

Dalton, Cisco, Varney, WV

Taylor, Cline, Wharncliffe, WV

Ethan, Mark, Colegrove, Delbarton, WV

Rebecca, Collins, Varney, WV

Codi, A., Conley, Chapmanville, WV

Sarah, Jane, Cook, Canada, KY

Erica, Kaye, Daniels, Matewan, WV

Jordan, Paige, Davis, Belfry, KY

Trenton, M., Earnest, Williamson, WV

Jessica, Edwards, Matewan, WV

Holli, Nicole, Eplin, Omar, WV

Abby, Ryann, Evans, Hatfield, KY

Dylan, Carter, Evans, Delbarton, WV

Christopher, Lee, Faine, McCarr, KY

Caitlin, , Grace, Fort Gay, WV

Cassidy, Brooke, Griffey, Williamson, WV

Alexandria, Glennisa, Hager, Varney, WV

Autumn, Grace, Hall, Williamson, WV

Kyleigh, Morgan, Hall, Delbarton, WV

Makeisha, Breanne, Harness, Delbarton, WV

Alexis, Briana, Helmick, Chattaory, WV

Kimber, Paulynn, Hensley, Delbarton, WV

Meredith, Horn, Williamson, WV

Taylor, Brooke, Horton, Williamson, WV

MaKayla, A., Hubbard, McAndrews, KY

Crystal, Jones, Omar, WV

Amanda, N., Justice, Williamson, WV

Kelly, A., Kainer, Williamson, WV

Brandon, King, Williamson, WV

Hailey, Danielle, Lucas, Lousia, KY

Chase, L., Marcum, Dingess, WV

Destiny, , Martinez, Dingess, WV

Faith, May, Coal Mountain, WV

Kegan, Jay, McCoy, South Williamson, KY

Sonda, Dee, McMillen, Switzer, WV

Micheala, Cheyenne, Miller, Cyclone, WV

Jonna, Brooklynn, Mitchell, Edgarton, WV

Jacob, Cole, Nagy, Gilbert, WV

Santana, Ashby, Newsome, Kermit, WV

Jordan, Ooten, Delbarton, WV

Corey, Douglas, Pack, Williamson, WV

Donna, Carol, Paterino, Williamson, WV

Jayden, Seth, Powers, Delbarton, WV

Madison, Danielle, Ratliff, Chattaroy, WV

Makala, Shree, Richardson, Kermit, WV

Samuel, Christopher, Rose, Williamson, WV

Cashena, D., Rouse, Williamson, WV

Kimberly, Renae, Runyon, McCar, KY

Tapanga, Totiawna, Saenz, Edgarton, WV

Crystal, Lynn, Smith, Sidney, KY

Garrett, Hunter, Smith, Williamson, WV

Julia, Marie, Smith, Hardy, KY

April, Dawn, Sparks, Williamson, WVs

Joshua, Michael, Statler, Delbarton, WV

William, Daniel, Sturgell, Kermit, WV

Jerinel, Taylor, Matewan, WV

Allison, Marie, Turnmire, Kimper, KY

Alisha, Marie, Varney, Lenore, WV

Haleigh, Marie, Varney, Delbarton, WV

Aileen, , Vinson, Delbarton, WV

Kyra, , Wallace, Delbarton, WV

Joshua, Ryan, Wellman, Williamson, WV

Lacie, White, Belfry, KY

Lynzee, Arnette, Wilhite, Huddy, KY

Kayla, Dawn, Wolford, Matewan, WV

Haylee, Workman, Williamson, WV

Cassandra, B., York, Gilbert, WV, Williamson Campus

Wyoming/McDowell Campus

Hevyn, Lee Elizabeth, Acord, Matheny, WV

Courtney, D., Bailey, Brenton, WV

Hannah, Grace, Bailey, Oceana, WV

Dante, Alexander, Brooks, McGraws, WV

Jordon, Labella, Brooks, Maben, WV

Amber, Nicole, Brunty, Gilbert, WV

Dennis, Scott, Cline, Simon, WV

Christian, Marie, Cozort, Amigo, WV

Betty, Vaughn, Ford, Ravencliff, WV

Nicolette, Raye, Hall, Pineville, WV


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