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W.Va. Active COVID Cases Above 15,000 Following New Year Celebrations

The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources reported more than two thousandcases of COVID-19 Tuesday.

The state DHHR confirmed a total of 2,353 new infections of the virus since. Tuesday total is a far cry from the 9,164 cases the department reported Monday following the holiday weekend. An additional 1,452 cases were cleared for recovery as of Tuesday morning.

Five deaths were reported Tuesday bringing the state’s death toll to 5,361fatalities. A total of 25 new deaths were documented since just before New Year’s Eve.

Governor Justice called on West Virginians to not take days for granted during his conference on COVID response.

“Are we going to just say that’s how it is,” Justice asked rhetorically. “Absolutely, remember all these people we have lost and do not let this become old hat. Don’t let this become something that you’re just numb about.”

A majority of counties are red Tuesday including Boone, Lincoln, Logan, Mingo, Wayne and Wyoming counties.

According to the latest county alert map published by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, 38 counties total are in the red zone. Red indicates the most severe community spread of coronavirus.

The second most severe color is orange. Elevencounties are orange.

Twocounties are gold.

Four counties are green.

Hospitals are currently treating 716patients for coronavirus. Statewide, 195 of those hospitalized with the virus are receiving intensive care treatment and 118 patients require ventilators to breathe.

The Mountain State currently has 15,911 active cases of COVID-19.


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